As a mission training organisation that is continuously pioneering new ways to influence the mission leaders of tomorrow, we regard your partnership of high value.
Financial Partnership
Registered as an association without gain (NPO 52-781), FTLT relies entirely on donations from friends, family, churches and businesses who have engaged with us in a partner relationship. Some preferred to partner financially through regular once-off donations, while other preferred to partner financially on a monthly basis through debit order. Whichever way, we acknowledge every partnership as a blessing from God, enabling us to do that which He has envisioned us to.
Whether you are an individual, a church, a business or a small group that wants to support FTLT financially, please
or call us at +27 (0)82 770 5310
Our Bank Details
Account Name: FTLT
Nedbank Business Pretoria
Branch: 149745
Account Number: 1497187338
Swift Number: NEDSZAJJ