About us

Focus Team Leadership Training (FTLT) is a dynamic organisation dedicated to empowering the next generation of leaders with the skills and insights needed to navigate the complexities of today's world. Established in 2004 and based in Pretoria, South Africa, FTLT operates with a visionary goal: to "Train the Mission Leaders of Tomorrow."

FTLT's mission is to influence emerging leaders through specialised training programmes that equip them to make a significant impact within their communities and spheres of influence. The organisation's activities are rooted in a deep commitment to service, focusing on assisting grassroots organisations across Africa. This approach is a testament to FTLT's dedication to serving those who serve others, thereby fostering a culture of leadership that is both transformative and sustainable.

FTLT adheres to the highest standards of accountability and transparency. The organisation's structure and operations are designed to maximise the impact of its training programmes, ensuring that leaders are well-equipped to address the challenges facing their communities.

FTLT's work, particularly in collaboration with various research projects like exploring the Church in Sub-Saharan Africa's responses to global crises, highlights its commitment to addressing complex societal challenges. 

By integrating leadership training with practical research initiatives, FTLT is at the forefront of creating a more accountable, effective, and socially just society.

In no particular order but more “like a ‘jazz combo’ playing ‘free flow’ where the lead is transferred with anticipated ease in the production of the whole” we strive to live by the following values:

  • Fascinated by learning, development and change...
  • Realness and authenticity beyond organisational boundaries...
  • Anguish for His purposes... Zealous for His presence...
  • Priority on the WHY vs the What, When, Where and How...
  • Honouring the value of intercession above confrontation...
  • Freedom to express views without the fear to offend...
  • Open environment for feedback and measuring of progress...
  • Being responsible beyond accountability...
  • Constantly striving to serve the unified body...
  • Exercising ‘stewardship’ as an expression of appreciation for what we have...
  • Allowing the small to determine the big...
  • Maintaining a balanced lifestyle physically, spiritually and mentally...
  • Consciously thinking about the adventure of living as a matter of making choices among options...

Legal Status

Section 21 Company 
(Reg. no. 2006/023931/08)

Association without Gain 
(NPO 52-781)

Public Benefit Organisation 
(PBO no. 930022898)

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About us

FTLT (Focus Team Leadership Training) is an organisation that was established in 2004 and is based in Pretoria, South Africa.
The vision of the organisation is to "Train the Mission Leaders of Tomorrow" with a mission to influence the upcoming leadership generation through specific training that will empower them to impact their sphere of influence in their own communities.

Email: adriaan@ftlt.org 

Phone: (+27) 82 770 5310

Address: 32 Umgazi rd, Ashlea Gardens, Pretoria

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